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DIY Hand Care Products Using Essential Oils
Keep your hands in great shape with homemade hand care products that contain essential oils. Here's what in this article:
Aromatherapy Hand Care Lotion
Possibly the simplest thing you can do is to make an aromatherapy
hand lotion. Buy a bottle of natural, unscented lotion and add essential
oils that you like or that have an effect you desire. Add 20 to 28
drops of essential oil to each 4 ounces (1/2 cup) of lotion.
For example, to stimulate mental performance, add 12 drops ginger and 8 drops basil. To improve memory, add 12 drops lemon and 8 drops clove. Another great choice is lavender, which is a good skin conditioner and also good for stress relief.
To make lotion from scratch, see essential oil body lotion for three recipes.
Hand Soaks
For a warming hand (or foot) soak:
- 2 drops ginger essential oil
- 2 drops rosemary essential oil
- 2 drops cypress essential oil
- 2 drops juniper essential oil
Mix essential oils in a basin of comfortably hot water and then soak hands or feet for at least five minutes.
For achy hands, 500 Formulas For Aromatherapy recommends:
- 4 drops peppermint essential oil
- 4 drops thyme essential oil
- 4 drops lavender essential oil
- 3 drops marjoram essential oil
- 1 teaspoon carrier oil
- Blend the oils.
- Add the blend to a basin of warm water.
- Soak your hands for 20 to 30 minutes.
Arthritis Hand Care Rub
If you have arthritis in your hands, add a few drops of one or two of the following essential oils to about 4 teaspoons of carrier oil and gently massage your hands and lower arms:
- Black pepper
- German chamomile
- Ginger
- Lavender
- Rosemary
- Thyme
Essential Oil Hand Scrubs
Exfoliant Essential Oil Hand Scrub
Makes 4 ounces.
- 2 tablespoons carrier oil
- 4 drops ylang ylang essential oil
- 6 drops lavender essential oil
- 8 drops patchouli essential oil
- 8 drops orange essential oil
- 6 tablespoons combined turbinado and white sugar (for sensitive skin, more white sugar is a better choice)
- Blend all the ingredients.
- Use a small amount to scrub your hands.
- Remove the scrub with a warm, moist towel or rinse off with warm water.
- Gently massage your hands with a hand lotion or cream.
Source: Kelly Holland Azzaro, NAHA Aromatherapy Journal 2008.1, p. 4.
Lemon Sugar Hand Scrub
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup Epsom salt
- 6 drops lemon essential oil
- 3 tablespoons almond oil
- Stir all ingredients together until well mixed.
- Pour mixture into a clean container with a tight-fitting lid.
To use, wash your hands, and then massage 1 to 2 teaspoons of the scrub into your hands. Rinse well with warm water and pat hands dry.
Source: EcoBeauty: Scrubs, Rubs, Masks, and Bath Bombs
Dry Hand Care Ointment
Dry hands need strong hand care products. Use this ointment for dry hands with pigmentation spots:
- 25 grams (5/6 ounce or 5 teaspoons) shea butter
- 3 grams (0.1 ounce or 3/5 teaspoon) beeswax
- 2 teaspoons castor oil
- 2 teaspoons comfrey-infused oil
- 20 drops carrot seed essential oil
- 25 drops celery essential oil
- Melt the shea butter and beeswax in a double boiler.
- Stir in castor oil and comfrey infused oil.
- Immediately remove from heat.
- Let mixture start to cool and thicken slightly.
- Stir in carrot and celery essential oils.
- Pour the mixture into a small, dark-tinted glass jar.
- Let ointment cool completely and solidify before using it.
Source: The Essential Guide to Natural Skin Care
Hand and Nail Butter
Use the following butter as desired, within one year of making it. Consistency may vary depending on room temperature.
- 4 tablespoons almond oil
- 2 tablespoons cocoa butter
- 1 tablespoon anhydrous lanolin
- 1 to 1-1/2 tablespoons beeswax (depending on the consistency you want)
- 50 drops of one or a combination of these essential oils: peppermint, carrot seed, rosemary, geranium, lemon, grapefruit
- In a double boiler, heat all the ingredients except the essential oils until the cocoa butter and beeswax are just melted.
- Remove from heat and stir to blend ingredients.
- Stir in the essential oils.
- Pour into clean containers.
- Let set for 12 hours before using.
Hand Sanitizers
One of the common hand care products you can replace with essential oils is sanitizers.
Option 1:
- 4 ounces (1/2 cup) aloe vera gel
- 4 drops cedarwood essential oil
- 8 drops tea tree essential oil
- 8 drops orange essential oil
Combine all ingredients in a four-ounce spray, squeeze, or pump bottle. Use as needed.
Option 2:
- 2 ounces (1/4 cup) aloe vera gel
- 4 drops peppermint essential oil
- 12 drops ravintsara essential oil
- 14 drops orange essential oil
Combine all ingredients in a two-ounce spray, squeeze, or pump bottle. Use as needed.
Source: Aromahead
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