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How To Use Essential Oils — Aromatherapy, Massage, Self Care

Inula Essential Oil Benefits and Uses In Aromatherapy

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Sweet inula essential oil (Inula graveolens or Dittrichia graveolens) is one of the strongest essential oils for breaking up and clearing mucous.

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Monarda Essential Oil Benefits and Uses In Aromatherapy

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Monarda essential oil (Monarda fistulosa), also called wild bergamot or horsemint, is relaxing and reassuring. Learn the differences between monarda oils.

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Pink Pepper Essential Oil Benefits and Uses In Aromatherapy

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The spicy and warm pink pepper essential oil has an affinity for the musculoskeletal and digestive systems, making the oil useful for pain and digestive issues.

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Katafray Essential Oil Benefits and Uses In Aromatherapy

Katafray Essential Oil Benefits and Uses In Aromatherapy

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Essential Oils to Stop Smoking

A look at using essential oils to stop smoking as part of a comprehensive program for quitting smoking.

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Essential Oils for Insomnia Relief and Sleep

Commonly recommended essential oils for insomnia relief and sleep include lavender, valerian, roman chamomile, marjoram, & orange. Learn more...

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Benefits of Thai Massage With Demo Videos

The benefits of Thai massage include stimulating the flow of intrinsic energies and releasing blockages to facilitate balance in the body.

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Essential Oils for Prosperity and Abundance

Essential Oils for Prosperity

Using essential oils for prosperity can help raise the vibration of your consciousness to one that attracts abundance into your life.

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Turmeric Essential Oil Benefits and Uses In Aromatherapy

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Turmeric essential oil is a less common essential oil that may provide some relief for digestive conditions and muscle aches and pains. Learn more...

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